The efficient and flexible library for front-end app development
React is a JavaScript library for building composable user interfaces. React provides resources, programs, and packages, encouraging the creation of reusable UI components which present data that “reacts” dynamically, changing over time.
React offers a high degree of flexibility, and requires developers to make architecture decisions that allow for creative solutions to app development. With a rich set of components and libraries, developers can save significant time by employing an available component instead of reinventing the wheel.
React has grown rapidly since its launch in 2013. It continues to add new features, like React 360, a framework for the creation and publication of 3D and VR experiences on the web. Because it is backed by Facebook, it’s a safe bet that React will be supported for many years to come.
Declarative views make code more predictable and easier to debug. React streamlines the creation of interactive UIs, updating and rendering components when data changes.
React lets developers build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs.
React works in tandem with other libraries (like Redux), enabling developers to pick and choose the solution that’s best for the task at hand.
Let's build it together.