My background is primarily iOS development, though I’ve been dabbling in the Android world in recent years. Fortunately Swift and Kotlin are very similar in a lot of ways, many of the paradigms are the same, just with different syntax. Here’s a handy cheat-sheet for anyone who is familiar with one language, and just needs to look up the syntax for doing the same thing in the other language.
Declare Variables
let foo = 42 // constant (inferred type Int)
var bar = 7 // mutable
var baz: Int = 1 // explicitly typed Int
var biff: Int? = nil // "Optional Int", can be an Int or nil
val foo = 42 // constant
var bar = 7 // mutable
var baz: Int = 1 // explicitly typed Int
var biff: Int? = null // "Nullable Int", can be an Int or null
var foo: String? = "something"
var bar: String? = nil
foo?.count // evaluates to 7, but type is Int? (an Optional Int)
foo!.count // evaluates to 7, and type is Int (not an optional)
bar?.count // evaluates to nil
bar!.count // this line crashes
// Best to unwrap things safely:
var baz: String? = /* we don't know */
if let numberOfCharacters = baz?.count {
// in here, numberOfCharacters has a value, and it's type is Int
} else {
// code in here gets executed if baz was nil
// Use a default if baz is nil
let biff = baz ?? "default value"
var foo: String? = "something"
var bar: String? = null
foo?.length // evaluates to 7, but type is Int? (an Optional Int)
foo!!.length // evaluates to 7, and type is Int (not an optional)
bar?.length // evaluates to null
bar!!.length // this line crashes
// Best to unwrap things safely:
var baz: String? = /* we don't know */
baz?.length?.let { numberOfCharacters ->
// in here, numberOfCharacters has a value, and it's type is Int
} ?: run {
// code in here gets executed if baz was nil
// Use a default if baz is nil (Kotlin calls this the "Elvis Operator")
val biff = baz ?: "default value"
// Swift function parameters can have two names, the first used as a label
// when the function is called, the second as the variable name inside.
// Underscore is a special value that allows the caller to skip the label.
func makeGreeting( _ interjection: String = "Hey", to nameOrNil: String?) -> String {
if let name = nameOrNil {
return "\(interjection), \(name)!"
} else {
return "\(interjection) there!"
// usage
makeGreeting("Hi", to: "Joe") // returns "Hi, Joe!"
makeGreeting(to: "Diane") // returns "Hey, Diane!"
makeGreeting("Hello", to: nil) // returns "Hello there!"
// Kotlin function parameters have one name, and the caller is free
// to use that name as a label when calling it or leave it out.
fun makeGreeting(interjection: String = "Hey", name: String?) : String {
name?.let {
return "${interjection}, ${name}!"
} ?: run {
return "${interjection} there!"
// usage
makeGreeting("Hi", "Joe") // returns "Hi, Joe!"
makeGreeting(name = "Diane") // returns "Hey, Diane!"
makeGreeting("Hello", null) // returns "Hello there!"
makeGreeting(interjection = "Hello", name = null) // returns "Hello there!"
Arrays & Maps
let fibonacciArray = [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ] // immutable, with type inferred from initial value
var myStrArray: [String]? = nil // either a mutable array of Strings, or the entire thing is nil
var myStrArray2: [String?] = []() // a mutable array that can contain either strings or nil values
var capitalOf: [String: String] = [
"Washington": "Olympia",
"Oregon": "Salem",
"New York": "Albany",
"Pennsylvania": "Harrisburg"
print( capitalOf["New York"] ?? "key not found" ) // prints "Albany"
val fibonacciArray = listOf<Int>( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 )
var myStrArray: List<String>? = null
var myStrArray2: List<String?> = mutableListOf<String?>()
var capitalOf: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf(
"Washington" to "Olympia",
"Oregon" to "Salem",
"New York" to "Albany",
"Pennsylvania" to "Harrisburg"
print(capitalOf["New York"] ?: "key not found") // prints "Albany"
let daysOfTheWeek = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
for day in daysOfTheWeek {
val daysOfTheWeek = listOf("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
for (day in daysOfTheWeek) {
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